- "Star Wars: My Darkest Emotions Awaken," a nonfiction essay published in Punchnel's magazine
- "Holywood," a short story originally published in Axolotl literary magazine
- "Waste Not, Want Not," a short story published in Punchnel's magazine
- "Ransom Place," a short story published in the Mythic Indy anthology of fiction
- An interview with the creators of Afterlife with Archie for Ain't It Cool News
- Entries for All Your Food Are Belong To Us, a restaurant review blog
- A pharmaceutical briefing document on behalf of Targanta Therapeutics
- "Meet the Yule Lads" [PDF], an article published in Jack and Jill magazine
- "Tailored for Two" [PDF], an article published in The Saturday Evening Post magazine
- "Duct Tape Gifts" [PDF], a craft project published in Jack and Jill magazine
- "Dinosaur Beach Party" [PDF], a poem published in Humpty Dumpty magazine
- "Scotty Skunk's Picnic" [PDF], a poem published in Turtle magazine
- "Adele Adair" short stories (for kids 8-12), published in Jack and Jill magazine
- 4-Page Comics, published in Jack and Jill magazine
- "Dutch Treat" [PDF]
- "The New Kid" [PDF]
- "The Fortune Teller" [PDF]
- "Puppy Problems" [PDF]
- "The Valentine's Day Dance" [PDF]
- "Land of Lorecraft" [PDF]
- "Game Show Showdown" [PDF]
- "Elementary, My Dear!" [PDF]
- Infographic Spreads, published in Jack and Jill magazine
- "Dance Off!" [PDF]
- "Knights vs Dragon" [PDF]
- "Samurai vs Ninja" [PDF]
- "Political Party Time!" [PDF]
- Puzzle Pages, published in Jack and Jill magazine
- Outer Space [PDF]
- Amusement Park [PDF]